Santa Monica

Colony Sea || Ocean Park

Colony Sea || Ocean Park

Our client reach out to us via web search to get more information & consult with your team regarding a penitential complete remodel of they vacation home. 

A long with the existing build & mechanical system we have to follow the HOA regulation and requirements before the work will begin. 

Beresheet team have take the HOA needs & regulation as a first priority from double floor sound proofing to daily bace removal to the repairing the any mechanical and electrical calculation. 

The client have a small idea how hey like to fell at the space and give us the full control to advice with full set of drawing to our approach design details. 

With a time of 100 working days including soundproofing, insulation, bathrooms, kitchen, new electrical panel, custom vanity’s client have made they are summer vacation with a one from the ocean send.

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8240 Beverly Blvd #2 Los Angeles CA 90048

Beonet – Web Design & Development